Words of Type Community
Words of Type is an initiative made for everyone involved in typography: designers, students, teachers, researchers, project managers, etc., everywhere in the world.
It aims to be a useful resource made with a collective mind of experts and quality conversations. To make that happen, we created Words of Type Community.
With the many experts and talents required to make Words of Type at its best, it is an extensive project that needs as much help as possible.
Ideally, we would have gone for a free access to the encyclopedia AND the community. But keeping both of these entities free demands too much investment for an independent designer (Lisa here, writing at the third person, yes).
Which is why we had to make a choice: keep the encyclopedia free, while asking for people’s participation with the community, for those who can, as much as they can, with a paid membership.

This membership is about helping Words of Type with:
- maintenance of the website;
- development of additional words;
- additional translations.
Right now, this membership is really about supporting Words of Type more than anything else. More surprises are on their way for the future, but here is a short list of what you can already have:
- access to discussions about future developments;
- priority access on our events;
- direct Q&A with guests in Conversation sessions;
- networking opportunities with other typography pals;
- and who knows what more incredible things tomorrow??
The community is using Circle platform. As many of its functionalities and structure are based on popular chat and social media platforms, it is easy to use and navigate in, for real.
Our events are also hosted on the community platform, but are also accessible by non-members once they have booked their seat.
The membership is:
- 25€
- for a full year
- renewable at will
To those feeling even more generous, you can choose other amounts to increase your support and help us make things happen even sooner!
If you have any questions about the membership, feel free to contact us at members@wordsoftype.com.